This will never-ever be a pay site, but any and all donations are very appreciated. is maintained by one person who spends countless hours trying to keep this epic resource as up-to-date as possible.
The donations will go toward paying for the website's domain and hosting, anything left over will reimburse me for my labor on the site (and hopefully someday there will be enough to pay some helpers). If it's any consolation, my day job is making zines and other DIY stuff, so any money you put in here will support DIY endeavors in one way or another.
Please consider supporting this site! Here's some ways:
Donate on Paypal
Venmo: @dodiy
Become a patron Pledge between 1 & 10 bucks a month, & get goodies in the mail + a newsletter if you want.
Become a sponsor! This is like becoming a patron, except you get a lil ad on the site (see below).