Clean Air Oly: cleaner air, safer gigs, greater access.


Fostering safer music & art events in Olympia, WA through a community air purifier share.


The reasons [click to expand ↓]

If you've ever been in a smokey bar, you probably know the benefit of an open window. In the early days, covid was thought to be spread by heavy droplets on surfaces, but we now know that covid is airborne and spreads like smoke. When we participate in crowded indoor activities, covid hangs in the air, waiting to be inhaled. That's why ventilation and filtration are of the utmost importance. Many music events occur indoors where it may not be possible to increase air flow from outside. That's where HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters come in. HEPA filters scrub the air in a room and trap virus particles, so there is a decreased likelihood of people breathing them in. Six air changes per hour is the magic number to aim for, though it may not always be possible depending on room size and other factors. Still, any increase in air filtration is better than nothing!

Some sources: Air filters work - EPA, CDC, OSHA, ASHRAE, & more agree, Do HEPA Filters Really Catch Coronavirus Particles?, Ventilation for Coronavirus in the Workplace.

Because you're breathing! Air quality is a public health issue, and one that disproportionately affects already marginalized people. As artists and musicians, we rely on events for joy (and income)! We're notoriously underpaid and often underinsured; some of us are disabled and can't work "normal" jobs. It's safe to say that the effects of missed events/tour dates/etc are sorely felt. Cleaning the air reduces the likelihood of getting sick, which means we get to gig another day. Covid is the great ruiner of plans! And each reinfection puts us at greater risk of developing long covid. Air filtration is a huge means of harm reduction for our communities. We keep us safe.

Layered protections are the cumulative actions we can take to reduce the spread of covid. The best mitigation strategies we have available include air changes and wearing high quality masks (such as KN95s and N95s). 

We can also be calculated about the risks we take! Certain activities come with a greater risk of catching covid, and you can plan accordingly. For instance, if you know you're going to be traveling, you might lay low for a period of time when you get back, mask in public places if you weren't already, and test a handful of times before attending any gatherings where you may unwittingly infect others (asymptomatic spread is totally a thing!). Similarly, it's a good idea to isolate and test if you know you've been exposed to covid, or are experiencing symptoms.

There is some emerging research that shows certain nasal sprays and CPC mouthwash can be effective at reducing the amount of virus in your nose/mouth respectively. It's early days, but these are additional layers of protection you might consider adding to your routine (this is a link to my personal list of research/stuff, none of these companies are paying me but I wish they would!). 

It is important to acknowledge that many events that offer air purification will still not be accessible to the most vulnerable, but normalizing air purification can do some good while nudging the culture in the right direction. If you need a risk run-down or access info for a Clean Air Oly event, please don't hesitate to reach out! Please also feel free to suggest additional accessability accomodations, and I'll see what I can do! While I am not personally an organizer for most of these events, I want the events I am involved with to be as accessible as possible.

Donate to help fund the purifier library :)

4/13/24: Carbon filter for the Smart Air Blast Mini has been purchased!

2/20/24: Smart Air Blast Mini - MKII has been purchased! Coming soon to an event near you.

2/17/24: Y'all are amazing! The initial GoFundMe goal was met in a single day! <3 I've raised the goal with plans to acquire a second purifier. Stay tuned & keep sharing :)

2/16/24: Launched **GoFundMe** to purchase this air purifier to start.

Financial accountability

I keep track of purchases and donations in this financial accountability doc. Feel free to contact me with any questions!

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Borrow OlyFans for your event!

The library currently consists of a single purifier- consider donating to help expand the collection :)

- Smart Air Blast Mini - MKII [user manual]

Delivers 820 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of clean air. This powerful purifier excels in large areas, cleaning 3,075 sq. ft every 30 minutes or 1,538 sq. ft four times per hour. Features HEPA filter for covid/allergens & carbon filter to minimize VOCs (info about carbon filters).

request a purifier

[color key]

[click event for details]

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How to start a clean air org

How to start a mask bloc

Make a corsi-rosenthal box

Corsi-rosenthal box resources


Covid Action Map

Covid Is Airborne

People's CDC


Order free covid tests RIP :(

Project N95: Mask Guide

We Have The Tools

Covid safer Oly + greater PNW

List of businesses, events, etc + precautions!

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Will you be my friend?

Clean Air Club

Craft or DIY


Fan Club

Mask Bloc Seattle

Oly Punk Rock Flea Market

Seattle Clean Air Collective

Second Home Gigs

Smarter HEPA (HMU for discounts!)

We Have The Tools

Spread the word!

Link to this page on yr website (just copy & paste the code!) :)

Oly Fans: Clean Air Oly dot org

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Hi, my name is Alyssa (they/them) and I'm just a guy that would like for gigs and other events to be a lil safer! Please be nice to me.

To contact me with feedback, questions, ideas, corrections, helping hands, etc:

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Last updated 4/13/24

Website design by Alyssa Giannini
Contact them if you want a site like this :)